Winter UDGRP 24
The secret handshake of information, passed down through generations.
Enumerative Combinatorics
Enumerative Combinatorics (By Hrishik Koley)
Here, we explored:
- Group Theory (Geometric focus)
- Generating Functions
- Graph Theory
- Planar Graphs
- Perfect Graphs
- Ramsey’s Number and Theorem
- Lovasz-Local Theorem
- Kuratowski’s Theorem (Thanks to Aayushman Mallick & Arkaprovo Das for the presentation!)
- Random Graphs and Ramsey’s Number (My Presentation 😉)
Resources and detailed Overview of the Course
Introduction to Dynamical Systems
Introduction to Dynamical Systems (By Aritrabha Majumdar)
This introductory course covered:
- Basic Linear Algebra
- Stability of Ordinary Differential Equations
- Linear Systems
- Non-Linear Systems (Local Theory)
- Picard’s Method of Successive Approximation
- Maximal Interval of Existence
Course notes: link